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don't let anyone put your fire out.

for the people reading my blog that might not be quite there yet with God, i get it. the Christian life looks boring. it looks like you'll have no fun because you are not at all the parties, because you aren't drinking or doing anything that pleases you. i get it. i thought the same thing when i was out doing those things. so let me tell you, from a person that has been in BOTH environments, that assumption about the Christian life is wrong. my definition of "fun" has changed. yes, reading my bible and learning about God is fun. spending hours watching robert madu preach is fun. the thrill of learning more about God is fun to me. but guess what - my idea of fun completely changed because even though the things i used to do were fun, it was only fun for the time being. after the party was over, after all the fun died down, that was it. so of course, i don't do those things anymore, and i am having the time of my life. how? God changed my perspective. i longed for happiness, for love. but i longed it from people. when i started longing for God, He gave me everything. He has never left me empty or broken. and the best part - i can NEVER get enough of Him. i will always want more, and guess what... He will ALWAYS give me more.

okay, after saying all that, i want to get to the main purpose for writing this blog. i heard someone say once that if you preach from your weaknesses then you will never run out of things to talk about. so i want you to know that i am not trying to make it seem like i don't have any problems, because oh my goodness, the troubles still come. even my problems have problems. let me tell you, just because you have been saved and you now walk with God, doesn't mean that the enemy still wont attack. because HE WILL. if anything, the strength of your faith increases the enemy's desire to want to attack you. and if you are going through something right now, you need to know that the reason that you are facing what you are facing is because God is pleased with you, and the enemy DOES NOT LIKE THAT. you make the devil nervous. and another thing you need to know - God has our enemy surrounded.

pause. i'd like to share with you that i watched a video about a man and his journey as the devil's servant. in other words, he worshiped the devil. this guy literally called satan his daddy. he was so powerful that he could curse anyone and ten days later, they would be dead. (yes, the devil is that powerful) but then this guy goes on to say that his "daddy" commanded him to kill the young lady that lived down the road from him. in the process of being obedient, he then thought of a plan. but as he was approaching this girl, he heard a voice say, "do not touch her. she is my child and you cannot touch her." the voice startled this man so much that he went back home and prayed to the devil, asking him about it. satan did not answer this man. he had NO explanation to give to his servant because he knew that voice his servant heard was God. 

so yes, the enemy is powerful. but he has nothing on your God. the enemy will attack you. but God brought you this far, and He will not abandon you. you might not be able to feel God in your work, in your school, in your home but it isn't because He isn't there, it's because you haven't done anything to feel his presence. so build a throne of your worship for Him to sit on, and He will sit on that throne. 

DO NOT let the enemy put your fire out!!!

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