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five guys you shouldn't date

if you are honestly committed to live for christ, then every little thing in your life changes. the way you see things, the way you dress, the people you surround yourself with. the person you date has more influence on you than you think. i once heard a preacher say, "show me your friends and i will show you your future." which is very true. surround yourself with people that will only encourage your relationship with jesus, not replace it. so here is a list of five guys you should completely stay away from, for your own benefit.

mr. talk...

this guy knows exactly what to say and when to say it. he can talk the talk, but he might not be able to walk the walk. basically, he might say one thing, but then do another. this guy might be saying all the right things, but is he living the life to back it up? if he is not putting action behind his words, then you need to be very cautious around this guy.

mr. anger...

this guy gets set off by the smallest things. he cannot control his tongue, his temper, or thoughts. and he just explodes like a volcano. you really never know when this guy is going to blow up or what will set him off, but again, be very, very careful around guys like mr. anger.

mr. obsessed...

everything is perfect at the beginning and its all sunshine and rainbows and then boom... you find out this guy is

c r a z y. to this guy, you are like the most important thing in his life. and it might even be pleasing for you to have a guy wrapped around your finger. just remember, despite how flattering it may seem, if you don't remove yourself from a situation like this, you are only taking away from the one he should love the most - jesus.

mr. pressure...

this guy will always think its his way or the high way. he wants to see what he can get out of the relationship. he will pressure you into doing things you don't want to do. he may be giving you all the attention in the world but at the end of the day, he doesn't care too much about you if he is making you feel uncomfortable by doing things you don't want. also, if you are in the mindset that he might leave you if you don't do what he wants, then that is not a healthy relationship and you need to get out quick.

mr. unsaved...

okay, this is kind of a no brainer. but really though, we all know this guy. he's dreamy. his hair is perfect, his eyes are perfect, he dresses nice, he is charming, he has got the muscles...etc. you think this guy is literally god's gift to the earth... but wait, he isn't saved. ladies, i don't care if you drop dead in his presence, this guy is not for you. if he doesn't have a relationship with god, he doesn't know how to have a relationship with you. if he doesn't know god, he doesn't know real love. there is no compromising here.

just know that if you take off running after god, you will find someone. but if he can't keep up, he isn't the one.

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